pandu and dhritarashtra father

Endued with great energy, he hath been wronged by Duryodhana. 18. These children came to be known as the Kauravas. Old Dhritarashtra point blank tells his son that he has no right to the kingdom. The Devi Bhagavatam mentions Dhritarashtra as the reincarnation of an Asura called Hamsa, the son of Nemi. The Death of Pandu. Throughout his reign as King of Hastinapur, Dhritarashtra was torn between the principles of dharma and his love for his son Duryodhana, and often ended up endorsing his son's actions merely out of fatherly love. He was blind from birth, and became father … By some accounts, he was an incarnation of the god of death and justice Yama Dharma Raja, who had been cursed by the sage Mandavya for punishing the latter more harshly than his transgression warranted. Now wandering in forest dejected and hopeless, Kunti tells Pandu that she can still have sons as she has a boon from a sage which allows her to invoke the gods and have children by them ( indicating towards surrogacy rules in those times where relative of the husband was allowed to impregnate the wife ritually) . Directed by B.R. However, since neither of his parents was of the blood royal, he was made counsellor to his brothers, the kings, rather than a king himself. Dhritarashtra: Son of Vedavyasa, he is the legitimate, though blind, King of Hastinapura, and father of the Kauravas. Law and order prevailed and everyone lived happily. June 25, 2020. However, she had been adopted by King Kuntibhoja. In the Mahabharata, Dhritarashtra was the King of Hastinapur at the time of the Kurukshetra War, the epic's climactic event. Pandu was made king in the place Dhritarashtra was blind since birth. Dhritarashtra was half-brother of Pandu and Vidura, and was uncle to the five Pandavas, with whom his sons fought the Kurukshetra War. Pandu, then, at the command of Dhritarashtra, offered the wealth he had acquired by the prowess of his arms to Bhishma, their grand-mother Satyavati and their mothers. Veda Vyasa is the title and the name is Krishna Dvaipaayana just as in Dr X (name) Dr is the title and X is the name. Out of guilt, Kunti decides to reveal the truth about her past to Pandu. After Vichitravirya's death his mother Satyavati sent for her first born, Rishi Veda Vyasa. His father, Pandu, had reigned for many years, offering the utmost satisfaction to his subjects. His father, Pandu, had reigned for many years, offering the utmost satisfaction to his subjects. Vyasa [Vee-YA-sha]: narrator of the story and father of Pandu and Dhritarashtra BHISH-ma: half-uncle by marriage of Pandu and Dhritarashtra Dhri-ta-RASH-tra: blind king, father of Duryodhana and the Kauravas GAN-dhari: wife of Dhritarashtra KUN-ti: wife of Yayati became old due to the curse of Sukracharya. With little else to go with, Dhritarashtra and Pandu are accepted as princes and the future heirs of the Hastinapur throne. In Hastinapur culture only elder brother got throne of Kunti chose Pandu as her husband and put the garland about Pandu’s neck. He conceded the crown, but this later resulted in protectiveness for his crown which he … She was thus the biological cousin of her foster-father Kuntibhoja. In the Mahābhārata, Dhritarashtra (Sanskrit: धृतराष्ट्र,dhritarāshtra) was King of Hastinapur at the time of theKurukshetra War, the epic's climactic event. Pāṇḍu (पाण्डु) refers to “jaundice”, as mentioned in verse 5.12, 13-14 of the Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā (Sūtrasthāna) by Vāgbhaṭa.—Accordingly, “[...] (those) [rivers, viz., nadī] again springing from the Sahya and Vindhya; [p… Vidura was Dhritarashtra and Pandu’s brother in the Mahabharata. f. She was married to Pandu , who she shared with Madri, but they had no children due to a curse placed on him. Vidura was the wisest of all. The responsibility of bringing them up was on Bhisma who taught them all the Shastras as well as the art of wielding weapons. Pandu And Dhritarashtra Birth Story In ancient times there used to be a mighty kingdom in India. Dhritarashtra, who, right from his childhood, had heavily depended upon Pandu to see the world and to be helped, who was always treated with compassion by his younger brother, had mixed emotions. The story of Pandu, father of Pandavas In the Mahabharata epic, Pandu is the son of Vichitravirya and his second wife, Ambalika from Vyasa. Karna tells his father that King Pandu will reward him after seeing his mastery over archery. In such a situation, he was the father of the Pandavas and the Kanishta Bhrata of Dhritarashtra. Dhritarashtra: Born blind, Dhritarashtra was the brother of Pandu and the father of the Kauravas. He is emotionally insecure and devoted to his Kunti, originally named Pritha is the daughter of the Yadava Prince Sura, king of the Surasena. Pandu went to the swayamvar. He abdicated the throne of Hastinapur to Dhritarashtra as he could no longer father a child and therefore he could not carry forward the Kuru clan. Shakuni becomes furious at Pandu and provokes Dhritarashtra against him. Throughout his reign as King of Hastinapur, Dhritarashtra was torn between the principles of dharma and his love for his son Duryodhana, and often ended up endorsing his son's actions merely out of fatherly love. Rishi Kindama gave Pandu a curse that if he made love with his wife or tried to bear a child, he would die. Kunti’s son was born first and as per the rules he would be made the king when he grew up. Dhritarashtra was a king who knew everything to be surfaced and realised soon after the battle of Kurukshetra. Episode 21. There is always great rivalry between the Pandavas or sons of Pandu and the Kauravas, the one hundred sons of Dhritarashtra. Pandu wasn’t the biological father of the Pandavas. Or was it Vidura who was the son of Vyasa? To succeed him was his eldest son, Yudhishthira. In the Mahabharata, Dhritarashtra was the son born to Vichitravirya's first wife Ambika. Dhritarashtra Dhritarashtra, the Blind King of Hastinapur, is played by Thakur Anoop Singh. While Gandhari welcomes Pandu and Kunti to Hastinapur, Shakuni provokes Dhritarashtra against them. With Vichitravirya having died of sickness, Bhishma unable to take the throne because of his vow, and Bahlika's line unwilling to leave the Bahlika Kingdom, there was a succession crisis in Hastinapur. Krishna uses the same argument against Duryodhana pointing out that neither his father, Dhritarashtra nor Yudhishthira’s father, Pandu were sons of a Hasitnapur king either and so by that logic, neither had the right to rule the kingdom. But one day when he was walking in the forest with Madri, he was overwhelmed by irresistible desire, hugged her and died, whereupon Madri, as a widow, followed him to suicide. (This is a simple story of the birth of Dhrutarashtra, Pandu Maharaj and Vidura. Your first-born son is destined to destroy all that we’ve This post is about the birth of Dhritarashtra Pandu and Vidura. Bhishma ruled over the vast kingdom of the Kurus during that time. He was raised and educated by Bhishma as the half-brother of Dhritarashtra and Pandu. But he was kind hearted Vidura was not strong but he was scholastic. Her brother Shakuni is enraged by this and vows to take revenge on the Kuru family. Kunti was the daughter of king Shurasena of Mathura and sister of Vasudeva (father of Krishna ). Dhritarashtra -Eldest son of Vyasa -Was born blind -King of Hastinapura -Married to Gandhari -Father of Duryodhana 11. The virtuous Pandu gratified his other relatives After the curse, he decided to live as hermit. Palace rumours about his father’s lust, about his mother’s unwilling sex with Vyasa, (Shri Satya Chaitanya in his article ‘The Puzzle of Pandu’ has made a very fine analysis of certain factors and war-stress (Pandu had just been on a Digvijaya) - these could have The father of Pandu and Dhritarashtra is also the father of Vidura, namely, Veda Vyasa Krishna Dvaipayana. Pritha, famously known as Kunti, was the daughter of Surasena (Lord Krishna’s grandfather). If Pandu touches a woman, he would die instantly. Sage Vyasa replies that Vidura deserved to be made the king. Birth of Dhritarastra , Pandu and Vidura :For calling from his mother sage Veda Vyasa came in Hastinapur and accepted the proposal of Niyog and sex with Ambika , Ambalika and a lady servant. This was because Dhritarashtra had been blind from birth and so was not qualified to inherit the throne. He pretends to take care of Pandu in front of Dhritarashtra. Pandu then renounced the kingdom to live as a hermit in the forest and left Dhritarashtra to rule. She had two sons named Yadu and Turvasu. Hindered by his handicap, Dhritarashtra is unable to wield weapons, but is said to be so strong that he can crush iron with his hand. That time Dhritarashtra saw the throne slipping out of his hand and he became bitter at the result. Hastinapur was lightless for the incompetence of Dhritarashtra as the ruler and king. (-ṣṭraḥ) A proper name; Dhritarashtra, the father of Duryo4Dhana, and uncle of the Pandu princes. Dhritarashtra wanted his own son Duryodhana to become king and lets his ambition get in the way of preserving justice. The Marriage of Dhritarashtra. Gary Oldman Gandhari Wife of Dhritarashtra, worn a white cloth over her eyes all her life because her husband was blind. While giving an account of the Kuru clan, Vaisampayana told the story of Yayati, the son of Nahusha. Polygyny - Wikipedia Sahadeva, the son of Pandu, conquered the town of Sanjayanti and the country of the Pashandas and the Karanatakas by means of his messengers alone, and made all of them pay tributes to him. But again, destiny had something else in store. By doing so he thought he had proved his love for his father and the betterment of Hastinapur, but he forgot to add Rightful and deserving to the king whosoever it could be. This blind king of Hastinapura was father to a hundred children by his wife Gandhari. Dhritarashtra. If the Pandava receives the patrimony from Pandu, his son … But when their father King Vichitravirya died, Pandu (and not Dhritarashtra) was crowned the King. Dhritarashtra’s hundred sons were the Kauravas; Pandu’s five sons, the Pandavas. In the Mahabharata Dhritarashtra (Sanskrit: धृतराष्ट्र, dhritarāshtra) was the son born to Vichitravirya's first wife Ambika. Finally Pandu retired, to the Pandu marries twice, to Kunti and Madri. By some accounts, he was an incarnation of the god of death and justice Yama Dharma Raja, who had been cursed by the sage Mandavya for punishing the latter more harshly than his transgression warranted. 2. Finally Pandu retired, to the forest. The son born to the maid was named Vidura.All three boys received education under the guidance of Bhishma.Dhritarashtra was strong,Pandu was good at archery and Vidura was ever wise.Pandu was appointed as the ruler even though Dhritarashtra was elder.This was so because the Shastras forbids the appointment of a king who has a disability.Pandu ruled the kingdom with assistance from Vidura who … Dhritarashtra was the son of Vichitravirya and Ambika; Pandu the son of Vichitravirya and Ambalika. Dhritarashtra’s hundred sons were the Kauravas; Pandu’s five sons, the Pandavas. Yudhishthira was the legitimate heir to the kingdom. His father, Pandu, had reigned for many years, offering the utmost satisfaction to his subjects. Denied the Kingship due to his blindness, Pandu (his albino younger brother), reigns instead; on his death, Dhritarashtra assumes the Kingship nominally, with Bhishma as Grand Regent. Vidura knew what the portents meant. Satyavati invites her son Vyasa to impregnate the queens Ambika and Ambalika under the Niyoga practice. “Oh, my brother, this birth portends the ruin of your line. Bhisma also wanted to create an alliance with the king of Madra, Shalya. After Pandu’s death Dhritarashtra becomes the king since there is nobody else as experienced as him. Thus, Vidura was born. Vidura was raised and educated by Bhishma as the half-brother of Dhritarashtra and Pandu. However, since neither of his parents were of the royal blood, he was made counselor to his brothers, the kings, rather than a king himself. And Pandu, while being absent for much of the proceedings has an oversized impact on it by virtue of his actions. English. Dhritarashtra marries Gandhari, a princess from Gandhara, who blindfolds herself so that she may feel the pain that her husband feels. Vichitravirya was suffering from Tuberculosis and was unable to procreate. Karna requests his father to allow him to welcome Pandu and Kunti, but he refuses. What is the story behind the birth of Dhritarashtra and Pandu? Yudhishthira was the legitimate heir to the kingdom. However, Pandu gave up his throne because he accidentally Shakuni informs Dhritarashtra that Pandu has returned to Hastinapur after getting married to Kunti. Nothing is mentioned about Pandu. This blind king of Hastinapura was father to a hundred children by his wife Gandhari. Upset and seeking to repent his action, Pandu handed his kingdom to Dhritarashtra and went for exile in forest. With Harish Bhimani, Nitish Bharadwaj, Mukesh Khanna, Gajendra Chauhan. Dhritarashtra, along with his younger half-brother Pandu is trained in the military arts by Bhishma and Kripacharya. After Pandu’s death Dhritarashtra becomes the king since there is nobody else as experienced as him. Dhritarashtra’s father was Vichitravirya, but in reality, he was the son of Krishna Dvaipayan Vyasa. For the sake of his oath, he did not stand for “VIDUR” who was half-brother of Pandu and Dhritarashtra, who was more deserving and right choice to be the king of Hastinapur after death of Pandu. A kind of bird, perhaps a short of goose: see dhārttarāṣṭra. Gandhari welcomes Pandu and Kunti. Pandu was the father of Pandavas and King of Hastinapur. He was born the son of Vichitravirya's first wife Ambika, and was fathered by Vyasa. He was half-brother to the kings Dhritarashtra and Pandu of Hastinapura, born the son of the sage Vyasa and a lady-in-waiting to the queens Ambika and Ambalika of the city. Under him, the kingdom remained strong. When Vyasa went to impregnate Ambika, his scary appearance frightened her, so she closed her eyes during their union; hence, her son was born blind. Before that time, Satyavati continued, a fishy odor originated from my body, but after the rishi’s touch, a celestial aroma radiates from me. He was born the son of Vichitravirya's first wife Ambika, and was fathered by Vyasa. He was half-brother to the kings Dhritarashtra and Pandu of Hastinapura, born the son of the sage Vyasa and a lady-in-waiting to the queens Ambika and Ambalika of the city. Which leaves Dhritarashtra and Pandu, who too aren’t direct descendants of Shantanu and Vichitravirya but rather sons of a hermit, who in turn, is the son of a fisherwoman who’d married a king. After the deaths of their mother (Madri) and father (Pandu), the Pandavas and their mother Kunti return to the palace of Hastinapur. Shakuni informs Dhritarashtra that Pandu has returned to Hastinapur after getting married to Kunti. Pandu was the also strong but not much than Dhritarashtra . In the Mahabharata, Dhritarashtra was the King of Hastinapur at the time of the Kurukshetra War, the epic's climactic event. He was famously known for his devotion to dharma (righteousness). Pandu and Kunti. Mahabharata In Memes – Birth of Dhritarastra, Pandu and Vidhura. father and said, "You yourself did not receive the throne, although it fell to you, because of your defect. Due to this, Dhritarashtra would always get angry at his blindness and started feeling disgusted with Pandu. Rishi Vyas is introduced and is the father of Pandu, Dhritarashtra and Vidhur. He is the niyoga of Vyasa and Ambika, Gandhari’s husband, the Kauravas, and Dushala’s father, Pandavas’ paternal uncle. Thus Vidura was born. Pandu became the most skilled in archery. Palace rumours about his father’s lust, about his mother’s unwilling sex with Vyasa, (Shri Satya Chaitanya in his article ‘The Puzzle of Pandu’ has made a very fine analysis of certain factors and war-stress (Pandu had just been on a Digvijaya) - these could have Dhritarashtra was the strongest of the three. After the deaths of their mother (Madri) and father (Pandu), the Pandavas and their mother Kunti return to the palace of Hastinapur. Eventually the old king gives his nephews some land of their own but his eldest son, Duryodhana, defeats Yudhisthira, the eldest Pandava, by cheating at dice, and forces him and his brothers to surrender their land and go into exile for thirteen years. Sambhava Parva. This is because the practice of Niyoga was prevalent at that time. His sons were Dhritarashtra, Pandu, and Vidur. Dhritarashtra. Rishi Vyas is introduced and is the father of Pandu, Dhritarashtra and Vidhur. Vidura was the son of servant so Dhritarastra didn't tolerate of Vidura. Dhritarashtra was blind, and Pandu was weak, he was perfect in intellect and health and the eldest. narrator of the story and father of Pandu and Dhritarashtra. Vidura was considered the most wise man in all of Bharatvarsha. Prince Pandu, in Wayang form Childless at the time, Maharaja Pandu left his kingdom in the command of his elder brother, the blind Dhritrashtra, who was then crowned as king of Hastinapura. Hastinapur and its foster chef were Shantanu, the King of Kuru Kul, Maharaj Shantanu’s wife, was named Satyavati. The triangular fight does not materialize because Vidura and Pandu … 4. He was born the son of Vichitravirya's first wife Ambika, and was fathered by Vyasa. महाभारत कथा धृतराष्ट्र,पाण्डु तथा विदुर का जन्म- Mahabharat Katha Dhritarashtra, Pandu and Vidur, Pandu Mahabharat, Vidur Mahabharat, Dhritarashtra Mahabharat, पांडु और धृतराष्ट्र की उत्पत्ति, पांडु का जन्म कैसे हुआ These are imparted knowledge and training by Bhisma and a new As per the Mahabharata, Vidura was the half-brother to the kings Dhritarashtra and Pandu of Hastinapura, born the son of the sage Vyasa and Sûdri, a lady-in-waiting to the queens Ambika and Ambalika of the city. Both Ambika and Ambalika were wives of King Vichitravirya of Hastinapura, who died childless. No enemy dared cross paths with the legendary son of Ganga. She is the mother of Karna, and the first three Pandavas – Yudhishthira, Bhima, and Arjuna.. Satyavati was anxious to beget another male child who could rule the world, and after receiving Ambalika's consent, she called for Vyasadeva. Shakuni becomes furious at Pandu and provokes Dhritarashtra against him. Dhritarashtra said to Sanjaya "The son of Kunti and Pandu, Yudhishthira, is virtuous and brave and eschews deeds that bring on shame. Dhritarashtra was the eldest son, both Dhritarashtra and Pandu were equal in terms of education and ability to rule. Dans l'épopée hindoue le Mahābhārata, Dhritarashtra (IAST dhṛtarāṣṭra, ) était un roi aveugle, fils de Ambika et de Vyasa. He pretends to take care of Pandu in front of Dhritarashtra. Pandu would never bear any children through his wives due to the curse and it was certain that Dhritarashtra’s child will be the next king. One day, when Pandu is relaxing in the forest, he hears the sound of a wild animal. to their blind father, their blindfolded mother. But Dhritarashtra was blind, which made Pandu more eligible. His father, Pandu, had reigned for many years, offering the utmost satisfaction to his subjects. One of the two wives of Yayati was Devayani, the daughter of Sukracharya. The land prospered under his reign . He was named Krishna because he Of them, Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjun were from Kunti and Nukal & Sahadeva were from Madri. Dhritarashtra was married to Gandhari. Before the war of Kurukshetra when Pandavas completed 12 years of exile they had to spend 13th year in exile without exposing their identities. Episode 21. These children came to be known as the Kauravas. Whatever happened, Vidura always took the side of righteousness. Dhritarashtra concludes 2. She was granted a special chant to use to call upon a god. Ambalika’s son Pandu had five sons from his two wives Kunti and Madri. Throughout his reign as King of Hastinapur, Dhritarashtra was torn between the principles of dharma and his love for his son Duryodhana, and often ended up endorsing his son's actions merely out of fatherly love. Dhritarashtra was married to Gandhari, the princess of Gandhara. 3. 2 Answers2. Also, Vidura asks in the same vein, why was he married to the daughter of a daasi while his brothers were married to princesses. Pandu - The Father of Pandavas: Pandu Kunti and The Mahabharata’s Story : According to Mahabharata, which is one of the most ancient Hindu epics of India, Pandu was the ruler of Hastinapur. Dhritarashtra was the eldest son, both Dhritarashtra and Pandu were equal in terms of education and ability to rule. As a result Ambika gave birth Dhritarastra , Ambalika gave birth He sent portion of his wealth to Vidura also. Meanwhile, Pandu attended the Swayamvara of Kunti. Dhritarashtra’s question to Sanjaya is what his children and the children of Pandu did as they stood ready to fight and kill one another in the dharmakshatra called Kurukshetra. Dhritarashtra was acting as the representative of the king in the palace of Hastinapur with his hundred sons and blind-folded wife beside him while Pandu was residing in forest with his two wives and five sons. Pāṇḍu (पाण्डु, “anemia”) is a Sanskrit term used in Ayurveda. Pandu, the father of the Pandavas in Mahabharata, had two wives Kunti and Madri. Dhritarashtra was older than Pandu. Pandu conquered the whole of India and extended the boundaries … Duryodhana and Dushasana were the first two sons. Dhritarashtra, Pandu and Vidura were the sons of Vyasa with Ambika, Ambalika and a maid servant respectively. Dhritarashtra was acting as the representative of the king in the palace of Hastinapur with his hundred sons and blind-folded wife beside him while Pandu was residing in forest with his two wives and five sons. All of his sons perished in the war, with the exception of Yuyutsu , his son with a Vaishya woman, who fought on the Pandava side. He was blind from birth, and became father to a hundred and one sons (and one daughter) by his wife Gandhari (Gāndhārī). The sage assured me that by bringing forth a baby within the middle of … Dhritarashtra was half-brother of Pandu and Vidura, and was uncle to the five Pandavas, with whom his sons fought the Kurukshetra War. There, he lived as an ascetic with his wives. He went to Madra and was Usage Frequency: 1. Dhritarashtra heard the disturbing sounds, and was apprehensive. As a result Ambika gave birth Dhritarastra , Ambalika gave birth Pandu , and a lady servant gave birth gave birth Vidura. , It gives us a lesson rather than a history. They were born through the process called Niyoga. Veda Vyasa was the biological father of all these brothers. A good king. He is more popularly known as the father of the Pandavas. Mother of the Kauravas Catherine Zeta Jones Is this true? These are imparted knowledge and training by Bhisma and a new king of … But Dhritarashtra was blind, which made Pandu more eligible. A lot … Pandu had five sons (known as Pandavas), and Dhritarashtra had a hundred sons (known as Kauravas) The conflict between these two groups of cousins Pandavas and Kauravas for the throne of Hastinapur led to the epic Mahabharat, also known as Kurukshetra War. As with life, the story of Last Update: 2016-03-03. Dhritarashtra is thus declared the king of Hastinapur. Finally Pandu retired, to the forest. He was fathered by Vyasa. Dhritarashtra was half-brother of Pandu and Vidura, and was uncle to the five Pandavas, with whom his sons fought the Kurukshetra War. The kingdom belonged to Pandu, since he, Dhritarashtra, was disqualified by his blindness, ever since Pandu’s death, it has belonged to his son Yudhishthira. Pandu -Younger brother of Dhritarashtra -King of Hastinapura before Dhritarashra -Father of the Padavas -Married to Kunti and Madri -Commited a crime and was forced to renounce his title as a king. He was fathered by Vyasa. After the child's birth, he was given the name Dhritarastra. A Naga or serpent of the lower regions. Dhritarashtra was his elder brother. They got married and returned to Hastinapur. 30-32. In due course of time, Ambika gave birth to a male child who was blind. He was blind from birth, and became father … d: Yudhishtira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva Kunti The childhood of the hundred princes in the palace was The fight was on always between Dhritarashtra as the king of Hastinapur and Dhritarashtra as the father of Duryadhana, Dushyasana and his other sons. Admittedly, he is the King of Hastinapura for much of the story but Bheeshma ends up playing a much more prominent role. To succeed him was his eldest son, Yudhishthira. May 1, 2014. by storytellertoday. She is the consort of King Pandu of Hastinapur and the sister of Vasudeva. This way, three sons were born in the Kuru dynasty. One of the silently important characters of Mahabharata is King Dhritarashtra. Dhritarashtra was half-brother of Pandu, and was uncle to the five Pandavas, with whom his sons fought the Kurukshetra War. c: Karna was born to Kunti through her invocation of Surya, before her marriage to Pandu. Yudhisthira is made Crown Prince by Dhritarashtra, under considerable pressure from his kingdom. He believed that he loved his brother, and he could not understand the emotions that he was going through now that he knew that his children would not be the kings. Chopra, Ravi Chopra. Dhritarashtra wanted his own Gandhari welcomes Pandu and Kunti. Bhisma kept his promise as he watched over the throne of Hastinapur like a silent guardian. Meanwhile, Pandu traveled for a bit and then started practicing his Due to the untimely death of Pandu in the forest, Dhritarashtra continued to take charge of Hastinapur. If Dharma [i.e., Yudhishthira] is the natural son of Vidura and the legal son of Pandu, the whole Mahabharata conflict is no longer between the sons of Dhritarashtra and Pandu, but among the sons of all three brothers. This section contains 75 chapters and 3232 verses. Vidura, in past, suggested to make Pandu the king because of Dhritarashtra’s blindness. (This is a simple story of the birth of Dhrutarashtra, Pandu Maharaj and Vidura. I saw this story that Rishi Vyasa was the biological father of Dhitarashtra and Pandu, or something like that. He had 100 sons (Kauravas) and a daughter Dushala. King Pandu gave away his riches. The entire kingdom, including Dhritarashtra, was drowned in sadness. Karna requests his father to allow him to welcome Pandu and Kunti, but he refuses. Chapter 53- The reasons behind the marriage of Dhritarashtra, Pandu and Vidur. Then, he commanded his attendants to return to Hastinapur with his royal jewels.

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